Solution 2: Use Quick Look to Edit PDF on Macbook Air/Pro
To disappear, leaving behind the signature. Resize it if needed, and then click anywhere else on the document for the box Step 4: Drag the signature to the right area, Step 3: To actually add the Signature to aĭocument, open the document > select the scribble icon > choose the Using either a stylus or your finger, simply draw the signature and then tap any key once you are done. Step 2: A window should appear where you should be able to use the trackpad or the virtual notepad to create the signature. Step 1: Open Preview and then go to the icon You would like to add a signature without having to print the PDF document, 4 How to Add a Signature on PDF Using Preview Step 5: To rearrange the pages, simply drag Step 4: To delete the pages you have on your PDF document, select the Thumbnail for the page you would like to delete > choose Tools from the menu bar > select Delete.